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Mother’s Day – Thank You Mum!

Mother’s Day – Thanks Mum!

Mother’s Day in March, a day to say thank you to all those fabulous Mums out there.

Thanks for the support, for the unconditional love and for being a role model.

Thanks for passing on life-skills which we complained about at the time, and so appreciate now. We hadn’t realised how important money management, learning to cook, looking after ourselves, tidying up and ironing would be until we left home.

image of lyndsey living flowers at food sorcery cooking together Didsbury Manchester
image of parent and child cookery classes in Didsbuy Manchester at the kitchen near Cheshire

Thanks for making us do homework and then re-do homework if it wasn’t up to standard. It’s helped us get jobs, further our education and make our way in the world.

Thanks for coming to all the Parent’s Evenings and for hearing ‘they could try harder’ and turning it into ‘see how well you could do in this subject with a little effort.’ Thanks for coming to all the School plays whether we had a small part in the chorus or the lead role. It made us feel special.

Thanks for standing on the edge of a playing field every weekend watching us play football, hockey and rugby and for running us to Cubs, Scouts, Brownie, Guides, Ballet and Judo. It never occurred to us until later, that you could possibly have anything better to do with the time.

Thanks for getting up for us in the middle of the night when we were tiny and waiting up to collect us into the small hours as teenagers!

If you would like to say thank you to your Mum buy her a gift voucher or book onto a class. Our vouchers never expire so she can choose a class to suit her.

Big & Little Cooks – Parent & child cooking together

For younger children/teenagers and mum – an afternoon working as a team along with our chef to create a meal. You will prepare a main course, a pudding and a side dish and then enjoy your meal together in the company of others in our dining room.

Cost is £120 for an adult and child. Classes run Monthly and are a great way to spend quality time together and the added bonus is that the washing up is taken care of!

Baking Classes

Learn to create the perfect loaf, bake delicate pastries, silky smooth choux, exquisite macaron and much more.
The perfect pastry for pies, pasties and tartes is an art even before you add the filling. Let Victoria guide you through the tricks to perfection.

Fish Masterclasses – Embrace your local fishmonger

Many of us love fish, rarely cook it at home or stick to the same recipes. We’ve created a series of three different fish cookery classes to help you introduce fish into your everyday cooking as well as for entertaining. Get Dad to embrace his local fishmonger, learning what to look for and what to ask for.

World Food Cookery Classes – Authentic tastes from chefs travels.

From Europe to Thailand, Japan to Sri Lanka – we’ve got a class to suit you, taken from chef’s travels. we have been lucky enough to meet Chochaba Harper a Thai chef who grew up in Thailand and has been in the UK for many years teaching cookery classes. Jason Palin our resident chef has taught all over the world teaching cookery classes – he loves nothing more than sharing his tasty delights with guests, his philisophy is come as guest, leave as a friend.

All our classes can be adapted to most allergies and preferences – just let us know in the notes when booking

Baking Classes, Pattiserie Classes, Pastry Making, Bread Making

Victoria RichardsonVictoria is the former tutor of ‘Slatterys School of Excellence’ a trained chef, pastry chef, confectioner, cake designer and chocolatier. She has a vast amount of knowledge and shares her skills in such a way that you cannot help but be as enthusiastic as she is.

Testimonial from French Patisserie Baking Class

“Victoria was excellent and explained everything clearly and answered our questions – she’s obviously very experienced and knowledgeable and gave lots of tips. The pace was good and the time flew by. A very enjoyable day”